
Holed up in a basement shelter, Ish (Matt Christy), survivor of recent societal collapse, passes his time broadcasting on the radio. As his words go unanswered and his phone line stays silent, Ish begins to wonder if there is anyone listening. When a call finally comes, Ish learns he isn't alone and becomes closer to Emilia (Callie Bolster) over the radio. But if she was listening, who else is?


A native to Hanna, a small town south of La Porte, Indiana, Matt is an aspiring writer working currently as a journalist. He is a graduate of Tribeca Flashpoint Academy in Chicago, Illinois where he studied film and screenwriting. Matt has been writing since a young age due to a love of story telling and has written many scripts, short shorties, novellas, and novels. Alongside writing, Matt has also worked as both a director and an actor. 

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